The Halo Code - November 2022
Deptford Green Adopts the Halo Code
The Halo Code is a campaign pledge, signed by schools and businesses, that promises members of the Black community that they have the ‘freedom and security to wear all afro-hairstyles without restriction or judgement’. This includes any child who wishes to wear their hair however they choose to in school.
At Deptford Green we fully adopt the code. Our principle is ‘My Hair, My Rules’. By adopting this code, we are demonstrating our commitment to a world free from discrimination, where all Black members of our community have their identities fully recognised and celebrated.
We want out young people to move into the next stages of their lives, in college and employment, feeling confident in the people that they are, celebrating their identities and their place in the world. Able to challenge discrimination and prejudice in all it forms. We will continue to maintain our rules around a smart school uniform as we think this is also an important aspect of having a professional approach to work, but we will protect our students’ racial, ethnic, cultural and religious identities.
What our students say:
“I like the rule of my hair my rules because as a girl I like having my hair short, and this rules rule me be who I want to be’ Inalen
“This rule to be means freedom and equality for all as well as letting people express themselves and their identity” Raya
“I think the school is doing a good thing by letting people embrace what they do with their own hair because other schools don’t let that happen” Robyn
“I have never been oppressed because of what I have done to my hair, but I know that other people have been. I am glad I will be supported no matter what I do to my hair and so will everyone else” Kate
“I think my hair my rules is a good idea because people can’t control what you look like” Henry
“The Halo code shows equality for everyone in the school” Alex
“Halo means that I am allowed to be proud of my natural hair no matter how big or curly it is” Ella
“To me it means to be able to express yourself in any way you like” Ihsan
Click Here For The Halo Collective Website