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The Governing Body

The Governing Body includes Parent Governors, one Staff Governor, Co-opted Governors and the Headteacher. Governors divide their responsibilities between three sub committees who report on their work to the Full Governing Board once during every half term. The Full Governing Board also meets at least once every half term. Governors visit the school during the working day when possible.  The sub committees are the Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Committee, the School and Community Committee and the Staffing and Resources Committee. Please click on the links at the bottom of this page to view our Instrument of Government and the full remit of each sub committee.

We ensure the Governors serving on the Governing Body at Deptford Green represent a wide range of backgrounds and experiences and as such provide an invaluable contribution to the diverse, rich and dynamic nature of our school.

Our current Governors are as follows:


To get in touch with the School Governors, contact Daniel Hudson, the Governance Professional to the Deptford Green Governing Body, via email:

Minutes of governor meetings are available upon request.