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Pupil Premium

It is our aim that all students at Deptford Green School make great progress regardless of their background. The Pupil Premium is an additional amount of money that we receive from the government to ensure that all students are given an equal opportunity to make progress and develop the skills and attributes that will support them in their school and adult lives. The key strategy to improving the outcomes of disadvantaged students is quality-first teaching and excellent pastoral care through a broad and balanced curriculum. To aid our curriculum and pastoral delivery, we use research reports, for example, the Educational Endowment Fund to frame curriculum planning and provision. Therefore, our main strategy is simple: to ensure disadvantaged pupils make progress in line with all pupils nationally. We aim to provide disadvantaged students with access to a rich curriculum and numerous enrichment opportunities which will broaden their horizons and spark a love of learning, turning them into life-long learners.

Ms Ahmed, Assistant Headteacher, is responsible for the allocation, monitoring, and evaluation of the Pupil Premium, and reporting termly to the Governing Body on its impact.