Year 11 Leavers' Assembly 2022

The year 11 Leavers' Assembly was a sight for sore eyes and a wonderful end to their DG school career.
Firstly a mysterious dancer was on stage looking like a character out of ‘Squid Game’! Who was the mysterious dancer with projected twin dancers coordinating with them on the screen behind? The great reveal was that it was Mr Ramsay treating his year group to a farewell dance extraordinaire! It was seriously well choreographed and very professional with the pre-filmed videos - very impressive Mr Ramsay! The students loved it! Thank you for all your hard work and the care and dedication you have shown this year group.
Mr Allen spoke and told the year group what a pleasure it had been working with them and seeing them progress into such wonderful young people. He remarked on how creative the year group is and how he has seen them develop into such talented individuals and that he wished them well.
After that we were treated to a breakdance set by Tameka and Keiyana – it was really upbeat and set the conference hall rocking! They ended the set with bouncing splits… ow. Tiarna played the piano and sang so beautifully – it was just like being at Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club in the West End. Thanks Tiarna for all your contributions over the years to open mics and other performances – your voice is amazing! Katie then sang accompanied by Mr Allen and Mr Knight. Again wow! Katie has such a beautiful voice and singing style; what a brilliant way to end her Y11 journey with us. Katie has also been a very involved student in the DG community with her musical talent - thank you so much Katie – we wish you well.
Various things were projected onto the screen throughout the assembly from teacher’s baby photographs – Guess Who This Is? – to the original school photos that were taken when the year group first joined us in year 7 – that caused total uproar! There were interviews about student’s funniest memories and what they liked about being DG students – plus bloopers of course. LOTS of giggling and laughter, on screen and off…
We also had Ben and Minh who had 100% attendance since year 7. Ms Samms presented them with a specially made cap each and a cup to commemorate their achievement! Well done to both – that is quite the accomplishment!
Finally, goodbyes were said to all and the year 11’s literally ‘left the building’! We wish them all the best of luck for their futures. Keep in touch year 11… you will be missed.