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March is 'Reading Month'!

Deptford Green School is a reading school and there are so many fantastic projects going on around the school. March is 'Reading Month' and we kicked off with dressing up to Celebrate World Book Day on 4th March.


We also had author of 'Queenie' and 'Empress and Aniya' - Candice Carty Williams - deliver a Q&A about being an author and her book Empress and Aniya which Year 9 read earlier in the year. 

Year 8s participated in an online quiz hosted by the National Literacy Trust and had a great time guessing cryptic clues about books and authors.

This week students across the school are participating in creative writing for Science Week with a focus on the environment.

Next week is National Poetry Day and students of all ages with be writing and speaking their own poetry and joining in blackout poetry workshops. 


Don't forget to check out or 'Depflix' book and film recommendations and screenings at lunchtimes!