Inset Day - Visioning and Carousels

Our INSET Day on Friday 26th November was a great opportunity for colleagues to work together and hone their skills around particular areas of teaching practice.
We started with a TEEP Peep from Ms Caltagirone that was about generating student responses on their work. This was a good way to share a piece of best practice and something really practical that colleagues could try out afterwards. Teachers then moved into one of several bespoke sessions that included:
- Boys Achievement
- Whole Class Feedback
- Behaviour for Learning
- Let’s Get Creative
- Developing Oracy
- Technology to Transform Teaching
- Retrieval Practice
These were sessions that teachers chose based on their developmental needs. The sessions were all delivered by in-house experts. Often these were colleagues who have recently completed or are about to complete a National Professional Qualification through the National College which meant that their sessions and the techniques that they shared are rooted in research and are evidence based.
We then went on the work with the Headteacher, Ms Thurston, on a visioning exercise. We revisited our ethos and discussed what for us are the main principles around the work that we do and what are our shared goals. We also had lots of fun working together in cross school teams to design a costume based around our school motto: Explore, Dream, Discover.